A fitting tribute to the late King of Pop. Stars gathered at the Staples center earlier today to pay there respects. In attendance the Jackson family, Diana Ross, the Kardashians, Brooke Sheilds, Jennifer Hudson, Mariah Carey, Magic Johnson, Queen Latifah, Stevie Wonder and many others. Mariah and Jennifer both performed, Queenie made a beautiful speech about Michael. Michaels bestie Elizabeth Taylor was not in attendance she went onto twitter and said "I cannot be part of the public whoopla. And I cannot guarantee that I would be coherent to say a word.""I just don't believe that Michael would want me to share my grief with millions of others. How I feel is between us," she posted. "Not a public event."A moment later, she added: "I said I wouldn't go to the Staples Center, and I certainly don't want to become a part of it. I love him too much."
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